Following the Prime Minister's announcement on the 4th January 2021 we can confirm that Sandbach Osteopathic and Sports Injury Clinic will remain OPEN for appointments during this lockdown period. (Currently likely for England until mid-February).
Attending for an appointment with an osteopath remains a 'medical reason' to leave your house
In compliance with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID we have:
Carried out a COVID risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work at the clinic.
Followed stringent cleaning, hand-washing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance for medical out-patient clinics.
Taken all reasonable steps to protect our staff at work.
Taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the clinic’s public areas.
We have done everything practical to manage transmission risk where people cannot be 2m apart.
Please note the following:
We will be contacting all patients prior to their appointments to triage and screen for potential COVID symptoms or contact with a symptomatic individual and you will be asked again on arrival.
Youwill need to attend wearing a mask / covering of your mouth and nose
Patients will be required to wash their hands on entry.
Practitioners will be using full PPE; disposable surgical masks, gloves and aprons.
We will operate a one in one out appointment protocol in line with social distancing policy in waiting areas. (Please arrive alone -unless you need a guardian or chaperone- and no more than five minutes before you appointment)
Your osteopath will end the consultation promptly in order to assist you to leave the clinic before the next patient arrives and to enable us to sanitise the clinic thoroughly.
When NOT to attend:
Whilst many things can cause similar symptoms to those of COVID, if you do have a fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or loss of taste and smell, please contact us to reschedule your appointment.
If you fall into a shielding group as per the NHS website guidance; unless your appointment is urgent. (Please call us if you are unsure)
If you have been advised to self isolate for any reason by test and trace.
If you have symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID in the last 14 days or are awaiting the results of a COVID test.
Please call on 01270 759491 to book or reschedule an appointment or for advice about any of the above.
We look forward to seeing you, albeit from behind a mask for the foreseeable!
Stay safe, stay well.
Tim and the team at Sandbach Osteopathic and Sports Injury Clinic.